Below is a brief outline of the duties and responsibilities of the Township Supervisor:
The Township Supervisor serves as Chief Executive Officer of the township. The Supervisor’s duties and responsibilities include serving as Chairman of the Township Board of Trustees, Supervisor of the General Assistance program, and Treasurer of all Town funds including General Assistance and Road and Bridge funds.
Upon taking office, the Township Supervisor must post a Surety Bond equal to the maximum amount of the funds in custody at any given time. A copy of the bond for Town Funds must be filed with the Town Clerk. A copy of the Road Funds bond must be filed with the County Clerk.
The Supervisor submits an Annual Tax Levy for the following year to the township Board of Trustees for certification prior to the last Tuesday in December.
Thirty days before adoption of the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the township, the Supervisor submits to the township Board of Trustees a tentative budget. The proposed budget is then available for public inspection and review for 30 days before final action.
The Supervisor may make or second motions, participate in all legislative discussion, and should exercise voting power on all issues before the Board.
The Township Supervisor maintains sole jurisdiction over the General Assistance office.